The Importance of Knowing Where Your Local Animal Hospital Is Located

If you have been the owner of different pets over the past few years, you may already know that different situations arise. For example, your dog may accidentally eat something that you left out on the counter, such as chocolate, or your cat may have been feeling sick after swallowing something that it found on the floor. Random situations like these may happen at unexpected times, which is why it is important to know exactly where to find your local animal hospital.

Can you imagine a serious emergency happening? If your pet started having a seizure or was suddenly beginning to act extremely strange, you would likely need to get help right away. If you have no idea where the animal hospital is located, you could end up wasting several minutes trying to find one in the area. If you already know where it is at and how to get there, you can call to let them know you are on the way and then head right over with your pet without hesitation.

It is not just important to know about the animal hospital’s location for you own pets. There could be times when you are sitting outside on your porch or walking your own animals down the street when you notice a stray animal that needs help. If the animal has been injured by a vehicle or a person, it may be unable to move on its own. Your instincts may tell you to help it out by taking it over to the veterinary hospital.

Pets can end up getting sick just like humans. One of your pets may begin acting unusual at some point. If you are noticing some strange behavior, you may want to get professional advice from a veterinarian who would be able to do a blood test, X-ray and perform a few other exams to find out what is wrong with your pet.

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How Much Should I Be Exercising My Dog?


The amount of exercise your dog needs will depend on its breed and size. However, all dogs do need to participate in some type of exercise during the day. If a dog is not walking enough and is constantly stuck inside the home without much space to roam around, it may become obese, which could lead to several other serious health problems that are avoidable.

Getting on an Exercise Plan

Although you do not have to spend six or seven hours straight playing with your dog, get into a routine to ensure that your pup is getting enough exercise. Consider going for a 30-60 minute walk in the morning and then going for an additional 30-60 minute walk at night. While you are at home with your pet, consider trying a few of these other activities between the walks that would also help with exercise:

  • Frisbee
  • Fetch
  • Hide and seek with a treat
  • Tug of war

How Will the Exercise Help?

If your dog is active, it will stay in shape instead of becoming obese. Active dogs tend to be a lot healthier than those that never get to go on walks or run around. You may notice an improvement in your pet’s behavior after you start following an exercise plan. Dogs that participate in physical activities often have an easier time falling asleep instead of staying up at night too. Speak with a veterinarian in Scotts Valley to learn more about the benefits of exercise for your pet.

Most Popular Mice Breed as Pets

Any mouse can be made into a pet, but some make a better choice than others. So, before you decide to capture that mouse that has been making a home in your attic and claim his as your pet, take a few minutes to learn more about the most popular pet mice breeds.

The mouse you see up in your attic is a wild mouse. This type of mouse is not domesticated and isn’t used to being caged. Making a wild mouse into a pet would be like trying to make a wolf into your family dog. It just won’t end up very good. Not only do wild mice lack that natural affection and compatible behavior that a domesticated mouse does, but they also may carry diseases. Your better bet for a pet mouse is to go to the pet store or to a reputable breeder.

Sellers generally offer two main breeds of mice as pets – white and fancy. Both breeds are domesticated and bred for captivity. They have been raised to interact nicely with humans and to understand that humans won’t hurt them. They lack the natural fear that a wild mouse has because they know they can rely on humans to feed and care for them.

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How Much Exercise Should Your Dog Be Getting?

Adequate exercise is essential for your dog to enjoy good health, but it also has an impact on daily behavioral patterns. If a dog isn’t exercised enough, he or she may dig holes, destroy items or bark excessively to cope with excessive energy and boredom.

Characteristics That Can Determine a Necessary Amount of Exercise


There are many things that can play a role in how much exercise your dog needs to be healthy and happy, such as:

  • Age
  • Breed
  • Overall health


General Rules of Thumb


Usually, it’s not sufficient to take a lap or two around the block and call it a day. Instead, your pet probably needs at least 30-60 minutes of exercise each day. Active breeds, such as Portuguese Water Dogs, Shetland Sheepdogs and Dalmatians, need at least 30 minutes of hard aerobic exercise, preferably on a daily basis.


Knowing When Your Pet Has Had Enough


One of the easiest ways to know your dog is getting enough exercise is that it has slowed down by the end of the walk, in comparison to the pace that was consistent at the start of exercise. No matter how long an exercise session is, be sure to avoid going outside in extremely hot or cold conditions. On those days, you can give your pet indoor workouts by running up and down stairs or playing controlled games of fetch. To find a dog vet in San Jose, visit this website.

Keep Your Chinchilla Health and Happy With Regular Baths

Chinchillas require very specific and unique care that differs from other household pets. In particular, you cannot give your chinchilla a water bath like other pets because their heavy coats are impossible to air dry and can produce fungus and fur erosion. Below is some important information on how to bathe your pet.

Purchasing Dust

In the wild, volcanic rocks are eroded into dust, which chinchillas collect in their fur. The dust then absorbs dirt, oils and other particles, leaving the fur clean. Because the dust found in the wild is unique, it is important that you purchase the appropriate dust from a respected retailer. The dust should be collected naturally and contain no added chemicals that could harm your pet.

Selecting a Container

When looking for a container for your chinchilla’s bath, you can use a non-tipping bowl or deep dish. However, a fish bowl or a specifically designed bathing house may be more adequate. Your chinchilla is likely going to bathe excitedly, and you want to prevent a larger mess than necessary. Therefore, a more enclosed container will keep your home cleaner.

Bathing Your Chinchilla

Once you have gathered the appropriate tools, you can bathe your chinchilla two ways. First, after purchasing a dust house, you will fill it with approximately 1 inch of dust. Then you will gently remove the chinchilla from its cage and place it in the bath. Secondly, you can fill the bathing container with dust and place it in its cage. This is likely cleaner and less stressful for the pet. Continue reading